Finding Your Forever Friend


Founded in 1884, the Kentucky Humane Society is Kentucky’s oldest pet adoption agency and the largest non-kill animal shelter. Located in Louisville, Kentucky, the original purpose of KHS was helping rescue horses. In the passing years, they’ve expanded to helping a variety of different animals including cats and dogs.

The main branch location is 241 Steedly Dr., Louisville, Ky. However, they also run adoptions through several Feeders Supply stores all over Louisville. The main branch is home to many different types of furry friends; they range in age, size, and personalities. Before adoption, KHS ensures that the older animals have gone through behavioral training to ensure that they will smoothly adjust to their new environment.

“We take in animals that we are pretty confident can be adopted,” said KHS PR and Marketing Manager, Beth Haendiges. “We look for ones that are healthy or have the potential to be healthy enough to be adopted and ones that are behaviorally sound or have the potential to be behaviorally sound.”

If the pet is in need of any additional behavior training or if they need help with a problem, or you would like your pet to learn some new tricks, KHS offers classes for a fee. The classes have a very low “student” to teacher ratio, usually 8 pets to one instructor.

When we made our trip to the main branch on Steedly Dr., we received first-hand experience of what the adoption process is like. There were several people at KHS playing with their potential pets and getting a feel for the kind of animal they wanted to take home. The Public Relations & Marketing Manager, allowed us to take one of the puppies outside and play with her. We felt that one of the greatest things about the main branch of KHS was the unique opportunity it provided to actually get some one-on-one time with the animals in order to carefully make a decision to adopt. Behind the main branch are two fenced in areas where any potential adopter can take an animal outside to get to know them and their personality.

The Kentucky Humane Society offers a fostering program where people can apply to temporarily house pets so that the branches will have plenty of room to take in more animals in need. KHS supplies everything from food to kennels to dog toys to the foster parents, so nothing is out of pocket and their biggest job is just to be there for their foster pets. All you have to do to become a foster is fill out the foster paperwork and contact the Foster Coordinator.

“We usually keep puppies for a couple of weeks fostering,” said Sheri, a volunteer that we interviewed. “Just until they’re old enough to get spayed and neutered, then they go to the adoption floor.”

Sheri has been fostering for a year and a half and is a foster parent to Rachel, a boxer puppy. Rachel is very active and spunky, keeping Sheri up for long nights at times, but Sheri would not trade fostering for the world.

Often times Fosters will become what is called a “foster failure” which is when they end up adopting the pets that they housed. Sheri has adopted two dogs from the Kentucky Humane Society as a result of being a Foster. She and her family fell in love with the dogs and decided to keep them.

In addition to all of their other services, the Kentucky Humane Society offers the S.N.I.P Clinic, which is the only full-time public spay and neuter clinic in the region. The clinic opened in 2007 in order to combat the areas pet overpopulation crisis.

“Our S.N.I.P Clinic is designed to be very cost effective for people,” said Beth. “It’s done by professional veterinarians who specialize in spay and neuter so that they can move quickly.”

The S.N.I.P Clinic offers financial assistance to those who qualify. In order to find out more information about how to apply you must call 502-636-3491. Interestingly, no Pit Bull will be turned away from the clinic due to overpopulation of the breed. KHS reserves several surgery spots each month to perform free Pit Bull spaying and neutering services to those who cannot afford it.

The Kentucky Humane Society is a multifaceted organization that provides many services for animals and humans alike. The organization stresses the importance of finding the perfect new addition to your family. No matter what your lifestyle is like, your new furry friend could be at KHS!

For more information about the Kentucky Humane Society visit their website at


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Frozen Fan Ready for 5th Album



When it comes to my favorite bands, I know I can be a pretty hardcore fan. Sometimes, though, fans can redefine the meaning of “extreme”. It has just been announced that Marie Rosetta, a hardcore Tool fan has decided to enter a cryogenic chamber to await the release of Tool’s 5th studio album. Insanity or dedication? It has been 9 years since Tool released their last full length album 10,000 Days. On March 15th the band announced that they had settled a lawsuit in which an associate of guitarist Adam Jones claimed Tool used artwork of his without giving due credit and the insurance company hired to defend tool also filed against them over “technicalities regarding the case”. These legal matters have been the bulk of the reason why the 5th album has been delayed so long. With them finally being resolved the band can focus on the album, but no telling how long it could take. Marie could be stuck in the chamber for a long time. Marie is leaving behind a husband and 2 year old son. Upon awakening from suspended animation at -144 °C, Marie could experience a lot of pain. She is ready to endure anything for Tool and the next album.  Is this a case of the crazies? Or is the Tool fandom past waiting for the new album?

Otep vs. Terror Universal: Sexual Social Media Scandal


Otep Shamaya

Drama has hit the Metal music world. Otep Shamaya, the front woman of Otep, has made a claim that the front man of their opening act Terror Universal “grabbed her crotch” and “tried to force his fingers through her pants”. An unlikely person has come to Terror Universal’s defense, Jenny Armstrong, the wife of front man Chad Armstrong AKA Rott. In her post on the bands Facebook page she claims that her husband “tapped” Otep on the leg. She even drags her own experience of sexual assault out into the open for all to see. This drama has caused Otep to drop from the upcoming Civil Unrest tour because Terror Universal was signed on. As of now both bands will not be participating in the tour. The organizers for The Civil Unrest tour has made their own statement in a Facebook post as well claiming Otep to be a liar and accusing her of trying to “secure more money”. Otep have been together for about 14 years and put out 7 albums so far. Terror Universal are still fairly new with an EP out. This all seems fishy to me. Otep has a reputation for bowing out of tours last minute and I feel that Terror Universal is the perfect pawn for a scheme considering how fresh they are. Regardless of who done what there is no actual proof and this entire thing was blown out of proportion. Otep went straight to social media to rant and rave about the situation and used that to slander Terror Universal. Communication between the bands should have been opened earlier about the situation and not paraded around social media like a show pony. If anything, this feels like a PR stunt gone wrong to me. Is Otep telling the truth? Or is she just pulling a stunt?Terror Universal

Rob Scallon: The Jewel of YouTube


Rob Scallon and his 8 string.

While spending most of my time on YouTube, watching music videos and concerts I wish I could attend, I came across a channel that really piqued my interest. Rob Scallon is a very talented musician who writes his own music and plays many different instruments. He also creates humorous videos such as Metal and Musical Mad Libs where he writes the music but the viewers write the lyrics in the comments. They are hilarious in their own right. He also has a series called Metal on Instruments That Aren’t Metal which is entertaining and shows off Rob’s versatility. His own creations are what really stand out. Rob writes his own music on several instruments and they are incredibly good. His slogan “Wake up. Play guitar” sums up everything Rob is about. He makes a living off of playing guitar for the internet and he does it well.

This is my favorite video because the cover is so good.

Metal Mad Libs is amazing and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Content With The Order of Things

cover326x326All That Remains has dropped their 7th studio album the 24th of February. It may seem way too early to review the album but I have already listened to it more than 10 times just for this post. Let me start off by saying, I am very pleased with it. The album preceding this one, A War You Cannot Win, wasn’t the best they could have done. It felt like a generic, label pushed album. I couldn’t feel the essence of the band. I think they may have turned that around with this album. The Order of Things shows off the bands attitude. Phil Labonte’s vocals go from hardcore to melodic in a simple transition and he makes it work together. He is also backed by the bands bassist Jeanne Sagan on vocals. Their voices mesh together really well. I believe she makes a vocal appearance on each track and Phil has said they wish for her to do more vocal work but she is shy to do so. There are also songs on the album that jump from hardcore to soft melodic and it works extremely well. It is very pleasing to listen to. Some of the more hardcore fans may be a bit disappointed in the softer turn All That Remains took but it really brings back the feeling within that band. Since it is still so new I am combing through the album but as of now it has my full support and I recommend it to anyone looking for a good listen.

Stir Crazy in the Snow


My friend all bundled up.

With snow trapping me in my apartment for 2 days, what could I do but spend my time the sensible way and play Diablo 3 and Evolve for the Xbox One. Of course this ate into my time to get ahead on school work, I don’t regret a single moment of it. This bombardment of snow was a god send as it allowed me to gather myself and spend a couple of days stress free. It was really beneficial. The amount of snow made it almost impossible for me to get out of my apartment complex and I was forced to miss work Monday. Come to find out, my work closed at 3pm anyway. Spending that much time at home was new for me and I actually got a

The main road to my apt.

The main road to my apt.

little stir crazy. I am used to being gone from 9 am to almost midnight. I had to get out and do SOMETHING. Luckily for me, my friend called me at 10 am on Tuesday and offered to come get me to go play in the snow. At first I was upset because I did not go to sleep until 6 am due to more Diablo shenanigans, but in the end I was grateful to get out. I asked her what she thought about all this snow and she said it was worrisome. That’s because her boyfriend works to remove all this snow and he had already been out for 60+ hours working. I know at one point they had to regroup and redo all the jobs they had already done because the snow kept coming. He finally came home safe last night around midnight. A job like that is exhausting and dangerous. Every single one of us should be thankful for the job these guys do.

Spotify: The Number One Tool for the Music Hunter

I consider myself a music enthusiast and am always on the hunt for new music. I’ve used apps like Pandora and iTunes radio in my search, but none have come close to the greatness of Spotify. For those who don’t know, Spotify is a music streamer spotify-logolike Pandora that you can download on your iPhone, tablet, or computer. Spotify is free but the best features come with the premium which is normally $10 a month. BUT WAIT! Students get a discount and only pay $4.99 (Yay students!).  With premium you can listen to entire albums on Spotify soon after their release. For example, The Pale Emperor was released January 20th and I could stream it that same day. The albums do not disappear and are available at your leisure. Another premium perk is that you can save albums or songs to your personal library and set it to where you can listen to them offline. This has almost caused me to delete my music from my phone. ALMOST. If you prefer the free version, fret not, it is still better than Pandora. If you don’t want to pay, all you would be losing is the leisure to pick certain songs you want to listen to. You would have to listen to an album or artist of your choice on shuffle. For example, if I searched Slipknot on the free version of Spotify, it would bring up their discography and all their songs. I could choose to play ALL of their songs on shuffle or an album like .5: The Gray Chapter on shuffle. I couldn’t choose the song Custer singly, I’d have to shuffle through until it came up. Regardless of what version you choose, Spotify doubles as a social media. If your friends have a Spotify account, you can follow them and see what they are listening to. You can follow artists as well. Spotify also offers a browse option which can let you pick premade playlists based on your mood or what activity you are doing. There are spotify-overviewBrowse playlists for studying, workout, chill time, or parties. Also, when you are listening to an artist you can click a tab that says “related artists” and you can find your next favorite musician that way. I have expanded my CD collection so much since I downloaded Spotify. It is such a great way to discover new music. It is also very informative as it offers full biographies of artists and tour dates on their page as well. So go ahead, expand your musical horizons and download Spotify.

The Pale Emperor Ushers in a New Era

The Pale Emperor album cover.

The Pale Emperor album cover.

Being a 90’s child I was raised around a lot of diverse music. I came to know Marilyn Manson through my older brother, who loved the anthem Beautiful People, and my mother, who thought him to be insane. Manson is definitely an anomaly when it comes to the music industry. His antics and music were always talked about when I was growing up, being called a Satanist and accused of corrupting teens. One day, people stopped talking about him. The shock factor was gone and his music seemed mediocre. I am here to report that The Antichrist Superstar is back with a more mature sound. His recent album release, The Pale Emperor, is making a lot of noise and bringing old Manson fans crawling back from the dark. The Pale Emperor blends a bluesy and 90’s grungy sound with Manson’s wailing voice. With Manson inching closer and closer to the big 50 mark, The Pale Emperor is perfect for this time in his life. It carries an adult sound and has the voice of someone who finally understands who he is. “I don’t know if I can open up / I’ve been opened enough” sings Manson on The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles, which is the most insightful song on the album to Manson’s comeback. “Lazarus got no dirt on me / And I’ll rise to every occasion” Manson has risen again and is here to stay. For the new album producer Tyler Bates, who landed gigs such as Guardians of the Galaxy, 300, and numerous horror games, lends his expertise. You can hear Bates influence with the creepy undertones in each song. The two met on set of an episode of Californication where Manson was playing himself. Bates and Manson’s collaboration yielded a dark and catchy love child that will only get better with age. In summary, The Pale Emperor was a surprise success that ushers in a new era for the matured fan base of Marilyn Manson.

Enjoy some of the new album. (The actual music video for Deep Six was… odd)

Concert Goers Journal: Slipknot


Jim Root doing work with Chris Fehn above.

This past November I got to witness Slipknot on their Prepare For Hell Tour in Lexington. I was so stoked for this concert because I have listened to Slipknot since middle school. With the release of .5: The Gray Chapter, I was expecting great things and the 9 did not disappoint. Not only did I enjoy the sounds of the new album but Slipknot played songs I have been dying to hear live; classics like Heretic Anthem, The Blister Exists, Duality, and Spit it Out. Corey Taylor knows exactly how to work the crowd. His energy was through the roof. The whole room went crazy after his “Jump the f*** up” speech during Spit it Out. It was also amazing to see Jim Root do his thing up close. Unfortunately, Mick Thomson was on the other side of the stage and I didn’t get to see him much. I heard him though. Jim and Mick sound fantastic together live. The new drummer — rumored to be Jay Weinberg — kept up with the rest of the band pretty well. He’s no Joey but I definitely see why he was chosen to take his place. The kid has talent. One person was missing from this excitement, and that was Paul Gray. Paul was my favorite member of the band and I was distraught with the news of his passing back in 2010. The new bassist — said to be Alessandro ‘Vman’ Venturella — has big shoes to fill. From his performance in Lexington I say he still has a while to go but he’s on the right path. From the perspective of the crowd and the energy in the room, IMG_0914Slipknot put on one hell of a performance. Everyone was moving. Not everyone was nice though. I had the same guy initiate 2 fights in front of me and my friend. He was finally kicked out after the second time. Another guy wasn’t really into the concert and really didn’t move the entire time. He blocked my other friends view and restricted their movements. Other than a couple party poopers I went so hard, my neck hurt for the next week and a half. The pit wasn’t as active as I thought it would be but it was still rough to be a part of. Me and another chick took it over toward the end. Overall, it was by far the best concert I had ever been to and I look forward to seeing them again (hopefully at Rock On the Range).

(I took the pictures and the video in this post myself on my iPhone. I ran out of memory in the middle of the concert so a lot of my stuff got cut off or deleted.)

Yes that is me singing in Dead Memories.

Dragon Age: Inquisition – Top 5 Companions

As a woman, it is hard for some to believe that I like Video Games. They are a way for me to unwind and immerse myself into a new world full of adventure. I started playing when I was really young because of my father. He used video games to give me a head start on my education. Needless to say, video games are an important part of my life because I have always had them. Over the years I have discovered many different games and genres. My favorite series of Video Games is BioWare’s Dragon Age series. With the new installment of Dragon Age Inquisition, BioWare has really outdone themselves with the characters and engaging storyline. Since I am an English major, I pay extra attention to characters and their growth within stories. Dragon Age Inquisition has given us an incredible list of companions to have within the game. Here are the top 5 based on my playing experiences:

5. Cassandra Pentaghast


Cassandra is a very strong female character. She first appeared in the second game toward the end but she really shines in Inquisition. She is one of the first companions you get and she makes it clear that she isn’t playing around. She is cemented in her beliefs and will stand by her faith. Her interactions with the other companions paint her as a natural leader and every body respects her. The men within the Inquisition see Cassandra as an equal on and off the battlefield. Her faith is what makes her so unique. Her unwavering devotion to Andraste and loyalty to the Divine is always questioned, but she never wavers. It is hard to find a character who is as open about their beliefs as Cassandra.

4. Varric Tethras


Varric was a companion in Dragon Age 2 as well, so I have a history with this manly dwarf. In Inquisition, Varric has came a long way from the snarky, smooth talking rouge that he once was. He was changed by the ending events in the last game and you can SEE it in this game. He still makes his classic snarky comments but they have an undertone of seriousness. It hurts to see a character with such a strong personality become emotionally detached and broken. Varric comes in at 4 because of his change. Its always refreshing to see long time characters return and in the process of the story, change their views and beliefs. It’s a testament that people always change with the world around them, even snarky, handsome dwarfs.

3. Cole

Cole DAI

Cole is a unique addition to the Dragon Age games. He was originally from a novel called Dragon Age: Asunder. Cole is a spirit of compassion. Unlike Anders in Dragon Age 2 who was fused with a spirit of Justice, Cole is a spirit who inhabited the dead body of who was originally Cole. Throughout the game Cole will comment on inner thoughts of companions in a poetic manner. Each companions have different reactions but most just find it odd. Since he is a spirit of compassion, Cole is compelled to help those who are in pain. He can sense pain within a person. Cole is a sweet character that brings controversy to the Inquisition. He is a beautifully written character and his observations are always on point.

2. Dorian Pavus


Dorian is one of the strictly gay characters in the Dragon Age world. This brings a whole new perspective into the video game world. With the inclusion of such a character, BioWare can tackle real social issues within the story. Dorian, of course, struggles with his sexuality and it causes him to be excommunicated from his royal family in The Tevinter Imperium. His father comes later in the story and you have the choice to face him with Dorian or not. Dorian is not on the list just for his sexuality. He is a sassy companion who always has a comment to make and is very fashionable while doing it. He easily wins the heart of any player with his charming ways. He also does not flaunt his sexuality like you think he would. He is shy of it and it brings an element of realism to his character. You don’t really know about his preference until your Inquisitor asks.

1. The Iron Bull

Iron Bull

The Iron Bull has made his way into my heart as my favorite companion. He has a very laid back personality, which clashes with his appearance. His mercenary group, The Bull’s Chargers, are the most diverse group of people ever. His second in command, Krem, is a Trans male. Bull doesn’t bat an eye at this. He uses so much positive reinforcement and calls Krem by the proper pronouns of “he” and ‘”him”. Bull even lost his eye by protecting Krem when he was still a stranger. When you romance Bull, he is in control, but he makes it all about you and he makes sure your inquisitor knows what they are getting into. Bull is also Pansexual, meaning he can romance any race and gender. BioWare did really good with Bull’s character, making him a complete opposite of what people perceive him to be, a brute. His faith in the Qun also poses challenges to the Inquisitor and the story itself. Bulls complexity makes the player have to choose between ones faith, or trustworthy companions. Bull is a bonafide bad ass and will always be my number 1.